Cup4Cup Head Chef Michael Wallace and Top Chef Jr. contestant Audrey Brust
Saturday, May 12th at 12 pm - Buy tickets here!
On May 12th the veteran fine-dining Chef Michael Wallace will be joined by Top Chef Jr.’s Audrey Brust to share some gluten free tips, tricks, and treats.
Michael Wallace attended New England Culinary Institute, in Burling VT. It was there he was exposed to ingredients and techniques that were beyond what he had experienced cooking in his hometown of Peoria. While attending NECI, Michael was captivated by the culinary skills of Chef Mark Moritz, an instructor that took on the role of his mentor. Ultimately Chef Moritz was the one who influenced him to accept a position at Guenter Seeger’s restaurant, Seeger’s, in Atlanta, GA.
After three years at Seeger’s, Michael made significant contributions to positions at The Ritz Carlton Dining Room in San Francisco, Grant Achatz’s opening team at Alinea, and as Sous Chef at Per Se in New York City, before accepting an offer to move to Yountville as the Executive Sous Chef of The French Laundry. Michael remained at The French Laundry for five years, before heading up the research and development team for Chef Keller’s gluten free flour, Cup4Cup, the first 1:1 gluten free flour on the market.
Audrey Brust is a 12-year old student who was amongst the youngest contestants to compete on the 2017 season of “Top Chef Jr.” hosted by Vanessa Lachey and head judge/chef Curtis Stone. When Audrey was diagnosed with Celiac Disease at age 7, she wasn’t willing to give up eating delicious foods. Audrey learned to cook amazing gluten free dishes and credits her extensive culinary knowledge to cooking with her mom, reading cookbooks and watching cooking shows. As a native of Louisiana, Audrey enjoys Southern comfort foods like johnnycakes and loves using Cup4Cup in her béchamel sauce.
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